Friday, 25 January 2013

The End...Finally

Well here it is the end. One last post. My final thoughts on this class for 99% of the time are super positive. I have really enjoyed this class and my perspective as I have said many times of technology has changed for the better. My favorite assignment this semester was definitely the buried life project. I had a bucket list before but I never had the opportunity to present it virtually and share my items to my friends and peers. My least favorite project would have had to be the newspaper blackout poetry. I guess I just struggled getting something original out of someone else's article. It's not that I didn't like the project, I just found it to hard to come out with something original that I felt belonged to me and reflected me as a writer. Friday's were also one of the things I liked the most in the class. In a lot of other classes we never really get the opportunity in class to read a book we pick and are interested in. It's always the mandatory novel's which no one likes. Anyways I like just sitting down and getting time to read something I enjoy on a weekly basis. As for weekly reading reflections, I think those really helped me with my reading. It offered me the time to think about what I just read and to analyse aspects of the book. My favorite part was when we switched to the twitter reading reflections from the classic 250 word responses.

Now to blogging. As a whole I enjoyed it for the most part, but I didn't take into consideration how much work it would be to maintain my blog. At first I was almost intimidated posting my work online for everyone to see but as the semester progressed so did confidence with the blog. I think at the end, my blog was a direct representation of me and my abilities as well as who I am as a person. As a reader and writer I was surprised to learn I am more creative then I ever thought, and technology is something I can use for the better. I like being able to promote myself and blogging and twitter are area's I can do so productively. The integration of technology is this course has become so useful I couldn't imagine doing English class without the use of a blog or even twitter. Before this class, I was very careful about using social media and I still am today. I am just more aware of the positive outcomes it can have.

Twitter was always something I really had no interest in before this class. When I created my professional account, I was surprised to see how many people used twitter constructively. Sure some people only post stupid tweets and rude comments, but for the most part in this class especially twitter was used without incidents. As for constructive criticism the only suggestion I have is that we could have incorporated more video and media into the course. (movies and music) Maybe even sports. Just something that would have peaked my interest even more.

Advice I have to offer for future students...
-Don't fall behind on your blog posts and personal additions. Keep up to date because it's hard to catch up. This class moves at a fast past.
-Don't worry if you don't have and prior social media experience. Ms. McLauchlan has far enough knowledge to spread around.
-Blogging in this class in professional. No stupid posts.
-Reading/Writing reflexions are time consuming so get as much done in class.

Monday, 21 January 2013

Bucket List So What and Author's Note

Well here we are the end of the semester. Whoa did it go by fast! I really got excited at the end when I found out we were doing a bucket list project. I have watched The Buried Life before on t.v. but for me it was the Bucket List movie that had the biggest impression and inspiration for my project. Life is just to short no matter what anyone says. I have to say I love to live in the moment, but looking forward to things in the future inspires me to do good today and live for tomorrow. I really have so much I want to do before I kick the bucket, and it scares me a little to be thinking about this at such a young age. The reality however, is that a bucket list really can never end. No matter what there will always be something I want to do.... even when I think I have done it all. This project was actually a kind of eye opener to me and I am beginning to realize all the endless possibilities that surround me. I am really fortunate. I also learnt that the items on my list best describe me and my personality. No matter if I finish everything on my list, at least I have something to strive for tomorrow. I realize now that I will just have to put my mind to it and put some effort into completing the list, but I am definitely open to the challenge. I predict my bucket list might change a little over time as different priorities take control, but for now I have a solid 100 items to knock off. As for my project I decided to take my own picture and plug them into animoto to create a slideshow. I am really happy with how it turned out and my lack of technology sense is slowly becoming obsolete.

Now the so what? So what? Well I really don't have any particular item I want to knock off the list right now today. But I think my best plan of action is to keep all my options and opportunities open and take advantage of them whenever I can. Unlike most people, I am in no rush whatsoever to complete everything in a timely fashion. I would rather go along and enjoy the ride, with my goals always close by. With that being said, I definitely want to travel and do all the dangerous and sometimes stupid items on my list while I am still young. I think for now I can maybe start planning for my trips and putting some money aside. The day will come for everything on my list and when it does I will know it. Until then I am just gonna live in the moment and have something to look forward to. I think if I rush myself, I wont get everything I would want and expect out of the experience.

Monday, 14 January 2013

Twitter Fiction Visuals

Well here they are. My twitter fiction visuals. If you have read the story then maybe you will get a better understandig of what I am trying to represent through them but if not here goes nothing. The first thing I want to point out is that the images are supposed to be through the eyes of the main character. It`s what he is seeing throughout the story. For that reason I chose to make all the images dark and sinister. Representing the main character and his thoughts. The fact there is not a lot of constrast and bright colors also represents his thinking and lack of emotion, to ultimately distance him from being a well hearted human being and portray the idea of him being a physciatric patient. The images I think represent important parts in the story that maybe you wouldn`t pick up on if you just read. For example the image of the broken window is direct coralation to the broken glass he crunches on in the story but we didn`t know forsure at that time it was the window he had broken into. The picture is also taken from the outside of the house portaying him as an intruder. Also the hallway shows the character at the end, which idealy makes it look like the hallway is somewhere he has never been to the end of. Finally the helicopter searchlight. I chose to take a picture where the beam was pointing away rather then directly at the character. This represents the idea that the character`s whereabouts are esentially unknow to the authorities which in term makes it seem like he might get away and attack someone else.

Jets Training Camp

So despite my rant about being mad and what not at the nhl.... I attended the first practice for the Winnipeg Jets yesterday. Honestly, there is really know way I could be mad much longer. I love hockey and its great to have the nhl back. Winnipeg fans definately deserve to have an nhl team from what I saw yesterday. Apparently there were close to 5 thousand fans in attendance. For just a practice! That is crazy. They even gave ever fan free drinks and popcorn, maybe a sort of apology from the organization for the lockout. As for the players most of them look to be in game shape and ready for the shortened season. I really think they will make the playoffs this year and I am almost sure they will win saturday against Ottowa. It was a long and painfull wait but only 5 more days until Canadians get their sport back. Hockey. (picture above taken by me)

Thursday, 10 January 2013

If you look long enough you'll understand

Whats wrong with this picture?

NHL Returns....finally

Well in case you live under a rock, or haven't heard the news, the nhl is back after a time consuming and damaging lockout. To be honest I really am more mad at the league then happy with the outcome. Just a bunch of millionaires being greedy if you ask me. The lockout kind of changed my view on the league. Dont get me wrong I, like any true blooded Canadian love hockey, but the lockout convinced me that the fans really aren't that important. Sure the player's say they are embarrsed but are they really? I dont think so. Just more coin in their pockets. Is there really any positive outcome for the fans? The answer is no. The players will just continue making lots of money and ticket prices are sure to increase. If you ask me, if the players and owners really cared about the fans a solution would have arised much quicker. Put them on a plane with three hours fuel and guarenteed it would land with a deal before that time was up! All I am saying is it's gonna take some time for this bad taste to get out of my mouth and hopefully the league will do something to take account for the people who really care about hockey and not just the money.

High School

We are almost there! One semester down and one more it seems. Just exams....those tedious and time consuming things. Man I hate them. Every class it seems has an exam and I dont think that should be the case. No point putting extra stress on everyone to sum up everything they learned in the semester. Let people be. We learnt what we had to at our own pace in the semester so why the 3 hour long exam at the end. No one ever seems to benefit from why? The extra workload just isnt fair. I just can't wait to be over with highschool. Move into the "real world" as they say. To be honest though exams are what they are. You have got to right them to pass, but no need to lose your minds. These exams are making everyone around me panic over the smallest little things that none of them (or anyone else) will care about a few years down the line. So people just relax for now. No one likes exams but a couple weeks from now we will be free for a few months anyways.

What Forest Gump forgot to say

My momma always said "life is like a box of chocolates, you never know what your gonna get."

Where as

My dad always said "life is like a jar of jalapeno peppers, what you do today might burn your ass tomorrow"

Reading Refelction #8 (Better late then never)

Then We Came To The End
By: Joshua Ferris
p. 27-150

I am still pondering the main purposes for the use of the first person plural. So far the only obvious purpose has been to convay a larger collective point of view. At first, the narration seemed fine with me, but ultimately I think what it did was, instead of involving me as part of the “we,” it distanced me from the book and the characters. I think it was because we are never given a glimpse of who the “I” is behind the “we.” When someone says “we,” it is as if someone is actually talking even if in so doing they represent the collective “we” in the novel. I never had a feeling that things were different here. I haven't been able to see who the representative of the collective "we" is. It so apparent though that there must be someone unique behing the "we". But by not knowing at this point the voice of “we”has became more of an impersonal outsider instead of a participant in the story. The narrator if it is actually a person, is someone who we have yet to discover and  like I said before has made me feel more of an observer then anything, which disntances me from connecting to the characters. I hope sometime soon we will figure out who the person is, if any behind the "we".

The story culminates with the discovery that Lynn, one of the company’s partners, a woman the other characters are afraid of, is dying of cancer, exposing the fear she suffers in her personal life. This differs so much from the persona she has mastered at work. I think this is the beginning of the end of her life, of the group’s shared experiences, and of the novel. Masks are taken off, and everyone begins to realize how little they really knew of each other and worst of all how little they really know of themselves. Surprisingly enough I find this to be true in everyday life. It seems to always take some dramatic turn of events to pull people together and before long, it was if it never happened and everyone continues on. When I say the beginning of the end of her life, I don`t necessairly imply death, but rather a change which will alter Lynn`s life and change her from the person she is now. People in this novel so accurately represent everyday people. Really how much do we know about ourseleves. The character`s are starting to see there is more to life. They realize they are more then their name, more then their place of work, and more then the people they associate with. It seems like what matters more now is enjoyment and fulfillment. Something they failed to realize earlier when everyone was being laid off.

As for predictions, I really think and hope we will figure out the true voice behind the narrator. I think it`s someone who we have known from the start of the book and maybe even a main character in the novel. If I have learnt anything from Joshua Ferris` writing style it`s that things are never what they appear. That being said, the narrator might be someone so obvious that maybe I am just missing what`s standing right in front of me. Any how, another prediction I have is that Lynn`s case of cancer is just one big hoax. I know it sounds harsh to say this, but something just doesn`t seem right. I think maybe she is even pulling this hoax to pull her staff closer together. If I am right, I am afraid to see the outcome of her plan.

Time to buckle down and continue reading. I'll keep yal posted.

Wednesday, 9 January 2013

Reading Reflection # 13

 Then We Came To The End (200) Novel inside a novel. Exposing the truth. Lynn isn't as tough as the persona she has mastered at work.

Then We Came To The End (200) People really know little about each other. Surprising how much people know about themselves.

Friday, 4 January 2013

Asher Roth GRIND

End of Watch Movie

I watched this movie last night. Definately one of my new favorites. It's out of theaters now but it's supposidly coming back after being nominated for numerous awards. I would reccomend it to any one you likes a classic cop vs. badguy movie. Nicely balanced between savage violence and sweet human interactions. Jumpy and exciting...

Reading Reflection # 12

Then We Came To The End (89) So many things are going wrong but I'm still laughing. Still don't know who the narrator is...

Then We Came To The End (121) It always takes a dramatic event to pull people together. Masks are starting to come off and people reveiled.

Reading Reflection # 11

Then We Came To The End (64) Hilarious look into the  modern workplace, very sad underlining tone. The Office meets Pursuit of Happiness.

This place looks amazing.... definately on the bucket list now!

My Buried Life Bucket List

1.Bungee Jump From a Bridge 2.Get in the Guinness Book of World Records 3.Attend the Olympic Games 4. Drink Beer at Oktoberfest 5.Float Around in the Dead Sea 6.Sing in a Gospel Choir in New Orleans 7. Wave the pizza sign at little ceasar's 8. Win a prestigous award. 9. Get up and go...anywhere 10. Be in New York for new year's 11. Be the best man at a wedding 12. Jump on stage at a big concert. 13. Sleep on the streets for a night 14. Go to all 7 continents. 15. Be on a popular tv show. 16. Make someone's item on their bucket list come true. 17. Make a large anonymous donation. 18. Skydive 19. Visit my friends in Germany 20. Drive over 200 km/h 21. Finish university 22. Become a police officer 23. Arrest a murderer 24. Ride a bull 25. Snorkle or dive in Thaiti 26.Get married 27. Have kids 28. Go white water rafting 29. Get a tatoo 30. Go to a super bowl 30. Referee in the NHL 31. Save someone's life 32. Crash a wedding 33. Pull the biggest prank 34. Laugh until I cry 35. Meet Jimmy 36. Survive on ice cream for a week 37. Appear on the news 38. Be in two places at once 39. Do a distance swim to an island 40. Survive on that island for a week 41. Sleep under the stars 42. Get in a UFC fight 43. Win that fight 44. Meet Ellen 44. Pet a lion 45. Stay in a theater overnight 46. Visit the Eiffel Tower 47. Gamble in Las Vegas 48. Kiss a total stranger 49. Have my heart broken 50. Eat something that's alive 51. Talk to people through medium 52. Walk the Great Wall of China 53. Learn sign language 54. Attend a late night show 55. Donate blood 56. Experience zero gravity 57. Audition for America's got Talent 58. Open a Swiss bank account 60. Work my dream job 61. Be in a flash mob 62. Do stand up comdey 63. Do a wheelie on a motorcycle 64. Learn a third language 65. Get a hole in one playing golf 66. Fire someone at a job 67. Give a toast to someone famous 68. Sleep under the stars 69. Invent something to sell on a infomercial 70. Be on survivor 71. Go to australian 72. Box a kangaroo 73. Get my pilots liscence 74. Fly acroos North America 75. Visit all 50 states 76. Climb a mountain 77. Ride the 10 largest roller coasters in the world 78. Visit the Stonehedge 79. Touch a platypus 80. Visit the Grand Canyon 81. Always allow myself to make mistakes 82. Be in a jury 83. Participate in the running of bulls 84. Cliff jump 85. Hug Will Ferell 86. Win the lottery 87. Go on a camping trip with my best friends 88. Hitchhike across Canada 89. Sleep under the stars 90. Eat a whole jar of nutella 91. Spend a month in China 92. Skinny dip in the ocean 93. Own a husky 94. Go to a Coldplay concert 95. Attempt to rap live 96. Send my parents anywhere in the world 97. Go on a cruise 98. Master the Art of Kung-fu 99. Run a marathon 100. Live to be 100

Reading and Writing Reflection #10

All and all, twitter fiction went pretty good for me. I am happy with how my final piece turned out. I don't normally write stories and I don't have twitter, so I was definitely out of my norm. Surprisingly the easiest part for me was, adding the different types of imagery. I like to describe things in depth, so I had no difficulties with that. The flow of my story however was something I struggled with. The hardest part was keeping each tweet to 140 characters. I found myself constantly going over, and having to cut and shorten certain tweets to fit the space and to keep the flow going. The last thing I wanted was for the story to be choppy and hard to follow. As a writer I learnt quality far exceeds quantity in this case. There were certain things I added to my story that didn't necessarily need to be there, and by editing them out, my story stayed more to the point. In terms of publishing myself on twitter, I had no problems what so ever. Honestly I felt comfortable showing my story to everyone. It was something I was proud of. In a way, it felt more like a conversation then anything. I think if I were to tell someone the story I wrote, it would come out exactly the same way the tweets did. I think I feel more comfortable with twitter then blogging, being that twitter seems to have more of a social atmosphere around it. It doesn't just feel like me and the computer. It feels more like a conversation if that makes any sense.

On Thursday, I chose to read Elliott Holt`s twitter fiction. I thought it would be interesting to see how a story could be told through numerous tweets from different people. In the end her story was actually a pleasure to read and I liked how the ending was not clear. Her characters had very distincitive perosnalities and they definately expressed them throughout the tweets. I found myself liking one character and almost ignoring the others. I think however we needed more information to conclude a killer, and that maybe that would have added to the story. I also took the chance to read over some other people's in this class' twitter fiction and honestly I was surprised. I really enjoyed the 1-3 tweet stories in praticular, and personnally I think those are harder to do. As a reader I found that most people focused their sotries around something they are interested in... and I did the same. At first I was writing a story that honestly didnt interest me. It was something I thought I would get good marks on and nothing more. About half way through I completely scraped that idea and started writing a mystery which is my favorite type of story to read. The purpose being I could use styles and techniques from stories I had read and I was even able to through  in my own ideas to obtain certain effects. Like I said earlier I didn't have twitter before this project, and to be honest I thought it was just a place celeberites and drunks could throw out there thoughts for everyone to see. I think in some cases that's true, but twitter also showed me an educational and useful side. It somewhere you can share your work, receive feedback (good and bad) and esentially promote your self. Any how I really enjoyed this project and I hope we will continue to use twitter for more projects!

Twitter Fiction

The sound of glass shattering echoed sharply. I held my breath.

It took me almost two minutes to creep silently down the thirteen stairs.

Knife gripped so tightly that my knuckles were white, despite the dark.

I blinked 2 times, it felt as if my eyes were closed, but they weren’t.

I could hear my heartbeat in my ears; it was doing 120 beats a minute at least.

My heartbeat sounded deep and sinister, something I had never heard before. The kitchen was on the left.

I decided the best plan of action was to open the door quickly and flick on the light, surprise whoever stood in my way.

It wasn’t just me in this house, I wasn’t alone.

I was about to open the door. The helicopter searchlight made one last sweep, illuminating the room and then it was gone.

I stood frozen in the light until the loud thump of the blades melted into the night, until I was back in the quietness only darkness can bring.

I standed alone, and waited. I knew I had heard the noise come from this room.

I lifted my leg to kick in the door, but I felt something rub along the back of it.

I turned around quickly, trying not to stab myself with the knife I was holding.

Oh, it was just the cat. It continued down the hallway, running silently as if it hadn’t even seen me. As if I was a ghost. Thank god.

I refocused my attention to the kitchen. My ribs were the only thing holding my heart in place. I kicked the door in.

The glow of the candle light coming from the corner was enough to reveal I was all alone.

I lowered my knife, took a deep breath and proceeded quietly to the bedroom.

The room was consumed in darkness, when I got there.

The door was open. Whoever else was in the house was definitely in this room. I lunged inwards, knife first.

A dark figure appeared in the corner, it was a woman. She shriveled into the form of a ball, and tucked her head into her body.

The glass crunched on the floor, below my boots as a walked slowly towards her.

She must have knocked it off her bed table when she heard me creep down the stairs. Her mouth opened, in a bloody voiced she hollered.

“Who are you, get out of my house!” Silence flooded the room; my mouth was dry and chalky. I could still taste dinner from the institution.

Man I hated that place. My grip on the knife loosened, until I clenched so hard it began to hurt.

“It’s me baby, Paul.” “Don’t you remember me?” I spoke so softly, but it still echoed in the room. The lady didn’t answer.

Paul was her husband, and the reason I ended up in that fucking place!

She began to cry and an overwhelming sense of accomplishment flooded my thoughts. I started to whistle a tune, and slowly walk towards her.

I knew she couldn’t see my face, but it didn’t even matter.

As I picked up my pace, she stood up, and darted to the door. “Where, you going beautiful?”

She didn’t even have time to answer.

I plunged the knife through her chest.

The aroma of blood filled the room. Sweet, with a hint of iron. Her body dropped to the floor. I knew she wasn’t getting up.