The Honor Farm
By John Westermann
Pages. 1-33
on Friday I decided to pick up a new book, and I am glad I did! The Honor Farm
is a story about a Long Island police officer
Orin Boyd, who nearing retirement falsely arrests a state senator. Instead of
being fired, the Police Commissioner decides to give Boyd a break, on one term.
He goes undercover into the “Honor Farm” a prison for bent cops, to investigate
the possible suicide of the commissioner’s son, 2 days before his release.
the beginning of the book, the protagonist Orin Boyd is portrayed as a likable
maniac, if that makes any sense. I mean from the first page, it’s almost like
you forced to like him, but in the back of your head you don’t completely trust
Orin. He acts like a normal well mannered person, but it’s obvious he’s done something wrong. I can’t put my finger around
it. Maybe he deserves to be in the Honor Farm, and maybe this was all just a
set up to get him in there. I don’t know for sure yet. One part in particular
really clued me in on this. It was when Orin was talking about how his badge
always laid crooked on his shirt. He could never get it to stay straight! Maybe
Orin’s badge is symbolic of him as a police officer, he’s crooked but he
doesn’t know it or he doesn't accept it and although he tries to fix it he can’t.
aspect to the story I find interesting is the fact that the idea of death and
suicide invade the thoughts of Orin. Throughout the beginning of the novel, the
author jumps around from a 3rd person perspective to directly
through the eyes of Orin and his partner. I think the author does this, so we
see every situation from every angle, we
don’t get too flooded in one person’s thoughts, but whenever the story is told
through Orin’s perspective, his thoughts seem to be surrounded by depression
and the idea of death. It seems very ironic that someone who is possibly
suicidal is investigating a possible suicide of another officer. I don’t know
exactly where the author is going with this, but I predict sometime later in
the novel, Orin will be faced with the challenge of possibly committing his own
suicide. This reminded me, of a recent story on the news about a police officer
in the US
who committed suicide, and maybe this serves as a clue that Orin will do the
same. That is my only prediction at this point.
haven’t really been able to make any text to self connections, and that seems
really bizarre being that my dad is a retired police officer. I think maybe
this book falsely portrays police officer’s or it’s just possibly the author’s
own perception of police that I don’t agree with. Never the less, I am yet to
make a text to self connection.
I'm pretty sure you've finished this book? What did think of the ending?